Flying Fingers to the Finish Line

Hey ya’ll! It has been a busy few days around here trying to finish up the Openwork Top I started about 2 weeks ago. The first part of the week completed the Southern Diamond Wrap CAL. Needless to say my fingers have been flying! I used to watch people and think, “Boy look at them go!” I never thought my speed would pick up, however with practice there you go, 4 rows before you know it, next time you look 20. With that said, I got the “Openwork Top” done. YAY!!!! The finish line was crossed tonight, so onward to making my demo board for my class tomorrow.


FINISHED!! Openwork Top by Yarnspirations
FINISHED!! Openwork Top by Yarnspirations
Week 3 completed of Southern Diamond Wrap CAL from ELK Studio.
Week 3 completed of Southern Diamond Wrap CAL from ELK Studio.
The finished product., all 90 inches of it. The colors are incredible in person!!  Very happy with it.
The finished product., all 90 inches of it. The colors are incredible in person!! Very happy with it.

Hope this brings some inspiration to your day! Until we talk again, Don’t worry be crafty! ~ Jama

5 years, much change, greater love

July 6, 2011. The date I started to blog this journey down a crafted path. So much has changed since then, since I first got back into crochet 9 years ago for that matter. {There was a few years that I didn’t craft a lot during highschool/college.] My crochet style has changed since then as well. I have made many afghans. Those used to take me months to complete, depending on the complexity. When our nieces and nephews started coming into the world I began making baby blankets. When I realized that smaller projects cause more instant gratification and I could make 2 to 3 times as many as an afghan, I was hooked. Now I love to make stuffed toys, and as of late wearable garments. Things that make up quickly but beautifully catch my attention now. I can never stress enough that practice is the only way to gain confidence and speed. Things that used to take months now only take a matter of days. Always aim to be better at what you do than the day before.
My progress on the Openwork Top is coming along….


The back is finished, now on to to the front. All the while I am on the last leg of the CAL from Elk Studio. Oh and work on the sweater I am making my Mom. I think I may have CADD. You got it Crafting Attention Deficit Disorder! 🙂 Seriously you have to have lots of projects going on at once so that you are busy not bored. Until next time, don’t worry be crafty~ Jama